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Sosialisasi Pengendalian Gratifikasi & Penandatanganan Pakta Integritas

Socialization of Gratification Control & Integrity Pact Signing

Friday 17 December 2021 at Plaza BNI, Ballroom Lt. 17 Jl. A Thousand Lot Hero, Serpong. SSI was represented by Moh. Adil Director of Marketing & Business Development of PT SSI attended the invitation of Bank BNI, Asset Management & Procurement Division. The event was held in order to build synergies and create an ecosystem in the procurement sector with integrity and professionalism, the activity continued with the signing of the Integrity Pact by representatives of partners and all procurement actors as a commitment to support the implementation of gratification control.

#SSIGoRebound #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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