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“Terus Gali Peluang Bisnis yang Ada, Jadikan SSI Perusahaan Terbaik di Industri nya”

“Continue to Explore Existing Business Opportunities, Make SSI the Best Company in the Industry”

These sentences are quotes conveyed by Mr. Edi Witjara, Director of Enterprise & Business Service PT. Telkom Indonesia during a visit to the SSI Jatiwarna office. Where SSI is part of the Telkom Group.

The visit was held on Thursday, December 2, 2021, accompanied by Mr. Ambar Kuspardianto (VP Enterprise Business Governance) who is also a member of the SSI Board of Commissioners and Mr. Teuku Muda Nanta (EVP Enterprise Service Division) and his team. Meanwhile, the entire Board of Directors of SSI was present to receive the visit.

Arriving at the SSI Jatiwarna office at 08.30 WIB, the visit began with a relaxed discussion and an introduction to the SSI management. Then proceed with an office tour to work units based at SSI Jatiwarna. Where Chief EW (Mr. Edi Witjara's nickname) is pleased to approach and greet all work units as well as provide sharing opportunities and motivate employees.

In the office tour, Chief EW had the opportunity to visit the production room and get an explanation of how the sorting machine works, other operational support devices and maximum production capacity so that it can serve customer needs.

The activity was closed with a speech from the Chief EW and writing quotes as a provision of motivation and encouragement to all SSI people "Continue to Explore Existing Business Opportunities, Make SSI the Best Company in the Industry"

#SSIGoRebound #BringItOn #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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