Building The Fondation of Company Transformation in the Digital Age
the corporate context, the company's foundation is one of the most decisive
factors for the company's climate. Starting from the work ethic of employees,
how to communicate with each other, the tools used for work, how the results of
the work are presented, how work is delegated, and various other activities.
company's strong foundation is one of the factors that form the basis for
successful transformations, mergers, integrations, aggressive growth, or other
strategic initiatives. This requires thought, concept, will, commitment, and
also perseverance in building and achieving a strong foundation in the midst of
business developments that often change.
the increasingly high competition in the digital era, companies are required to
improve their performance. One effective way to do this is to have a superior
company foundation. That way, the company will have the capital to compete with
other companies. It focuses not only on production and technology issues, but
also on the company's management system to carry out production.
time the editorial team will share 5 tips to build a foundation to accelerate
the company's transformation in the digital era:
the Company's Goals
first and most basic thing is to know the purpose of the company, this includes
the vision and mission of the company. A ship as grand and sophisticated as
any, will not go anywhere if it does not have a docking destination. It's the
same with companies, where every company must have their own goal of doing business.
These big goals must of course be accompanied by smaller step-by-step
breakdowns, which can be directly implemented on a daily basis. With a goal
that is reflected in daily life, the company's foundation will certainly be
2.Always maintain good communication
development of the digital era has resulted in almost all activities carried
out by employees related to the internet and gadgets. However, that does not
mean that communication in a company can be ignored. Communication is not only
limited to small talk between employees, but also the delivery of the company's
vision and mission. That way, all employees can understand the contribution of
each party so as to create slick collaboration in achieving company goals.
3. Leaders Must Be an Example
don't just talk about company owners, you know, but about anyone who has
employees under them. As a leader, of course you have to follow the rules that
you apply to your subordinates. For example, you expect your subordinates to be
well-dressed and polite, to work quickly, and not to be late. You must also
apply the same, being an example or role model for employees under you. No
matter how good your employees are, more or less they will be affected if you
don't set a good example for them yourself. In other words, walk the talk, so
you do what you tell them and set an example.
4. Give employees the opportunity to convey ideas
employee has a different idea in solving problems. Instead, give them the
opportunity to convey these ideas. The more employees whose aspirations are
heard, the better the existing Company Foundation will be. Given that there are
many heads that must be put together in a company, this opportunity will
actually provide opportunities for business development based on great ideas
from employees.
5. Listening to employee complaints
again, uniting many heads for one goal is not an easy thing to do. Not
infrequently disputes also occur between employees. Therefore, make sure to
always listen to employee complaints so that HR can help find a solution to the
dispute without harming any party.
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