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 Kunjungan Bank CIMB Niaga ke COU Yogyakarta

CIMB Niaga Bank Visit to COU Yogyakarta

Monday, November 11, 2021, representatives of Bank CIMB Niaga conducted a site visit to SSI COU (Central Operation Unit) Yogyakarta. Bank CIMB Niaga is one of the customers who entrusted the management of the ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) and CRM (Cash Recycle Machine) to SSI Yogyakarta.

During the visit, discussions were held on the operational management of CIMB Niaga ATMs including cash count activities between employers and job executors which were carried out periodically, in order to ensure mutual security in accordance with Bank Indonesia regulations.

The arrival of Bank CIMB Niaga was represented by Teguh Joko Rudantin (Branch Service Officer) with Titus G Rahall (Cleaning & Credit Documentation Officer). Where the COU of Yogyakarta, represented by Hafizh Arizuddin (COU Manager).

In addition to discussions and conducting cash counts, checking operational facilities and infrastructure such as CCTV, treasury rooms and CPC (Cash Processing Center) rooms are also a common concern.

Hopefully the cooperation of both parties can be further enhanced and mutually beneficial, Aamiin.

#SSIGoRebound #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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