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 Proses Pulling Electronic Journal

Electronic Journal Pulling Process

Customer complaints regarding the difference in cash withdrawals are an integral part of the dynamics of any ATM machine management operation. When that happens, customers expect ATM management service providers to resolve complaints as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, the activities of withdrawing, storing and searching for transaction data through paper-based transaction log journals are quite complicated and prone to problems.

The use of the Electronic Journals (EJ) system in recording transactions is an improvement step, where transaction data is stored in soft copy format, which is more secure in recording.

Recent developments, ATMs have been able to retrieve and store customer images at the time of transaction, Obviously it will be a big advantage to automatically upload the data and EJ images to a centralized server. The benefits of EJ at ATMs include being able to quickly resolve problems to ensure ATM transactions succeed or fail, customer images taken during transactions can be streamed and stored when needed, by management & easy content upload.

Friday, October 8, 2021 Joko Sri Purwoko, Director of Operations of PT SSI and the team conducted a concept activity to see firsthand the process of taking EJ, by assisting the COU (Central Operational Unit) team who were doing replenishment activities (filling cash into ATM machines) at the location of Mercu Buana University. Site selection based on the point that is often difficult in taking EJ.

By directly visiting the ATM location, of course, the aim is to directly monitor the technique of taking EJ, ensure the work process, and identify any difficulties experienced by the replenish team in the field during EJ collection.

The results of the direct visit to the location will be followed up by identifying other COUs who are experiencing the same problem where it is planned to provide education and guidance to the field implementation team regarding EJ pulling, and improvement of infrastructure to support EJ data collection.

#SSIGoRebound #GaNyerah #AyoBerubah


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