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SSI Wujudkan Peluang Bisnis Baru dengan Perbaikan Cartridge ATM

SSI Realizes New Business Opportunities with ATM Cartridge Repair

Jakarta - Cartridges or often referred to as ATM cassettes are money storage boxes in the Automated Teller Machine (ATM). There is a collision on the way or other reasons the cartridge is damaged and it is necessary to carry out routine maintenance or repair of hard ware, Monday (21/9).

The locations of ATMs belonging to banks are scattered throughout Indonesia where the management of these ATMs is left to the respective regional offices and branches. Problems that often occur are malfunctioning or damaged cartridges so that regional offices and branches in the area that manage these ATMs really need a vendor capable of repairing the cartridge. So far, repairs have been carried out by sending to the head office of each Bank, which requires a long time to complete repairs and burdens the cost of shipping goods.

The limited supply of cartridges obtained at the time of purchasing an ATM machine and the very low number of repair vendors in areas / outside Jabodetabek are business opportunities for SSI. Engineer resources spread throughout Indonesia are a competitive advantage for SSI, so that there are great opportunities to be able to seize these business opportunities.

In an effort to make this happen, at the beginning of the second quarter of 2020, SSI provided training on repairing ATM tapes to engineers. Training in the form of spare part management, quality control system and spare part repair. The engineers are stationed in 10 (ten) major cities in Indonesia. That is :

  1. Medan
  2. Pekanbaru
  3. Palembang
  4. Yogyakarta
  5. Surabaya
  6. Denpasar
  7. Makassar
  8. Manado
  9. Banjarmasin
  10. Balikpapan

The result that has been learned is the cooperation in repairing ATM cartridges belonging to Bank Mandiri Makassar Regional Office, a total of 900 units with a contract value of up to Rp95 million. The latest news from the Surabaya Operations Center office is in the process of making a Cooperation Agreement with the local BNI Bank. Apart from ATM cartridge repair services, it is currently being explored to provide cartridge rental services to banks, so that banks do not need new investments just to procure cartridges.

"We have to be smart about the needs of banks and SSI's added value so that in the end it can generate new business opportunities for the company. ATM cartridge repair services are currently a complementary product of the existing SLM Services, "said SSI Operations Director Joko Sri Purwoko, who is in charge of the Logistics Division. The division that manages ATM Cartridge Repair Services.

SSI as one of the Telkom Group Subsidiaries engaged in the business of Rupiah Money Processing Service Providers (PJPUR). There are 3 (three) types of businesses that are carried out, namely:

  1. Cash Replenishment & First Level Maintenance Services
  2. Maintenance and Repair of Advanced Level ATM Machines (Second Level Maintenance)
  3. Distribution, Processing (Sorting) and Depositing of Rupiah Currency, or better known as Cash In Transit (CIT) Services

PJPUR companies are directly under the supervision of Bank Indonesia. SSI is the largest PJPUR in Indonesia with a market share of 30% and a cover area covering all corners of Indonesia. The number of offices reaches 106 points spread throughout the provincial capitals and other big cities.

#BersamaTelkom #SelaluAdaKesempatan #GakNyerah #AyoBerubah #SSIBisa


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